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Selasa, 13 September 2016

Twitter’s reworked character limit tipped to arrive September 19

Twitter’s reworked character limit tipped to arrive September 19

Twitter gives you 140 characters to say whatever it is you need to say. This is a very restrictive limit, yes, but one that is ultimately good for the service, many users argue. That’s why past notions of raising the character limit resulted in swift outcries against doing so, and why Twitter’s May announcement was received with a mixed response. At the time, Twitter revealed something of a compromise: while it is keeping its 140-character limitation, it is tweaking which things count toward that character count. Assuming a new tip is correct, Twitter will be kicking off this change on September 19th.
According to a recent report from The Verge, Twitter will stop counting certain elements against one’s tweet character limit per the company’s May announcement. Twitter, however, has not confirmed these plans and hasn’t yet given any sort of definite date for when we can expect this change.
This is different than the previous and more drastic expansion of character limits Twitter once contemplated. Per Twitter’s own announcement, @name replies won’t count toward the 140-character limit, nor will certain media attachments like photos, GIFs, polls, videos; quotes also won’t count against the limit. In its present form, Twitter users often get around the text limit by screen capping quotes and sharing them as images.
Assuming the changes do arrive on September 19, it isn’t clear whether they will arrive all together at once or will roll out in stages with only the first changes being applied next Monday. The Verge says it received its information from two sources who are “familiar” with Twitter, however they warned the September 19 date could change.

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